Friday, 3 December 2010

Entering December

Heyyy, readers!! long time no post... And sorry for the long absence. Don't have time,as usual. kekeke

So, here are some updates:

1. Final-test week!! started this monday and will be ended next monday. And today's Friday, which means I've got 1 day to go. (too much word "day" blah)

2. My scores... hmm.. aren't too bad (at least for myself). Alhamdulillah. But still not as "shiny" as they were last year T_____T.

3. Last week. Perhaps the hardest week of this year. I've gotta catch all the midterm-tests make up all in 3 days. And two of my teachers scolded me because they think I've been stalling the time blablablaa... But the climax was on Thursday last week, when I couldn't hold my tears any longer -____-. But well... it has passed, why do I have to think about it anyway..??

4. I NEED A LONG VACATION. Just realized that this year I'm sooo busy that I haven't rested since...January, I guess. Yep. On January 2010 school started, and then came that "kader" time. OSN followed after and school again till August und dann Pelatnas. Then I had to catch up every lessons at school again.. And now.. I still have to study for this final test.

5. I do hope ~I really hope~ that all my effort is worthwhile. I have some targets, you know. That is, to at least persist on the top 3 of all classes. It's my goal. But I know it won't be easy and so I have to try. Especially on maths next monday cause I've already ruined my chem! ohhhh I wish I didn't really did that bad on chem.. :( But I hope the result will be surprisingly different. aamiin..

that's all for now,
Gotta go hit the shower... Byeee ^^

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