Sunday, 30 March 2014

Read The Sign

Hello readers,

It's gonna be a short post. I'm studying cardiac physioloy right now and I'm so amazed at it that I feel the urge to write something.

1. I'm so mesmerized about how our body's structures are perfectly created and designed that they support the organs to function properly. Take a simple example, our heart valve (katup jantung). They are designed as incredibly as it is to open only to one side (unidirectionally), preventing the backflow of the blood. And how the vasa recta of our kidney bend like that allowing the countercurrent mechanism to occur.

2. I can't stop admiring how our body works. Although it's so complex that I have to put so much effort to understand it and get good scores on my exam ;). For example (I'm not sure if you understand it), before the SA impulse reaches the AV, there is a slight delay. It's meant to give the ventricle time to fill completely and effectively.

It's really hard to explain briefly how amazing our body works , unless you learn it by yourself. The thing is, with every lesson I learn, I become more aware that our body is so complex that it cannot just exist spontaneously. There must be something that creates it. And that something can do far beyond what human  are capable of doing. And I believe it as God (Allah).

So, sometimes I wonder why there are people who don't believe in God, especially if those people are biology experts. Cause i think the best way to observe God's mightiness is by learning about living organisms. And the only thing that human can't create is a soul that makes something alive (bio = life).

So, read the sign that Allah has given through Allah's creations

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