Soo... I was checking up for recent updates on my facebook home page when I found an article posted by my former Bahasa Indonesia teacher. Honestly, it wasn't the article that caught my attention, but his profile picture. So, I browsed his photo albums. (I guess, it has become one of my habit to stalk photos on facebook) :p. so what..
It turned out that he's been living in Singapore for quite a long time. Shocking, it was, as I never thought he'd leave Indonesia. He doesn't seem like a person who wants to stay abroad....
Anyway...speaking about staying abroad..
Did you know? when I was a high school student, I've always wanted to study abroad. I wanted to study in Europe. German was the most considerable option. Though I searched for fine qualified international medical university, I knew it's gonna be hard as well as impossible for me to get accepted, because I never studied A level or stuffs, I never try to write motivational letter or asked my teacher to write letter of recommendation. It's definitely impossible. So I gave up my dream instead. Maybe if I have a chance later on, I'll try to get myself a scholarship.
randomly selected photo from of a library building in German
I hoped so much that I'd have the opportunity to go to Europe. I've seen many photos of the country. They have every facilities that's completely different than here in Indonesia. It's like you can live in peace there. People obey the rules. Everything is very well-controlled. No air pollution, no garbage everywhere.
As I get older and maturer, I know that I probably was wrong.
It's true, they offer facilities with higher technology. It's true that the people there have better manners and behaviors than Indonesians. But, they don't have something I can't live peacefully without.
They're not Moslem countries. Maybe you'll think "what's the big deal about it?"
of course it's a very BIG DEAL
First of all, it's very uncomfortable being unable to hear Adzan echoing in the city. Secondly, you have to ask whether your food contains pork, alcohol, or something like that every time you eat in a restaurant. It's very troublesome, don't you think? If I were there, I might end up eating instant noodles everyday hahaha.. Another thing is their custom. They're not bound to wear hijab or closed clothing. See? it's easy for you to see their aurat and stain your innocent vision. (ciyeeeee)
That's not the kind of life I want to have. I'd rather live here even though Jakarta gets me on my nerve almost every morning and makes me want to go crazy. I'm destined to be born and live here because Allah knows it suits me best. *heaven's choir backsound* If someday I get really sick of Jakarta and want to emigrate, I'm considering moving out to Brunai. A place with similar atmosphere and culture, only better.
Random photo from of Brunai traffic
Don't get the wrong idea. It's not that I don't love my own country.. It's just that sometimes people have to hijrah to be a better person, don't you agree?