Tuesday, 12 November 2013



Gw nggak nyangka bisa bertahan hampir 3 semester pulang-pergi Tanjung Barat - Salemba setiap hari. Menurut gw, itu sebuah prestasi soalnya setiap hari hidup gw penuh perjuangan.

1. Perjuangan pagi
    Pagi-pagi itu.... badai banget buat gw. Apalagi kalo hari Senin atau Jumat. Jalanan macet udah kayak sembelit!! Ditambah lagi kalo kuliah atau diskusi jam 7. Mau metoongg doong. Syukur-syukur masih sempet mandi sarapan di rumah. Tambah stress kalo di jalan tol ketemu musuh bebuyutan gw, plat mobil F dan mobil-mobil lain yang sering "bobo" di jalanan (maap maap, bukannya rasis yaa). "Jalannya kayak nggak punya tujuan hidup," begitu kata Ayah gw. wkwk.. Perjuangan gw dilanjutkan dengan nyari parkiran di kampus. Heran, parkiran di kampus itu luas sebenernya. TAPI..... sebagian besarnya udah di-tag sama staff-staff kampus. hufftt... sedih :( Trus yaa yang namanya parkir di Salemba itu jarak antarmobilnya 0-15 cm. Syukur kalo masih dapet parkir. Kalo nggak? Metyaww

2. Perjuangan ngejalanin semua tantangan di kampus (presentasi-lah, ujian, nyerep pelajaran)
    Ude sampe, tenang-tenang, taunya beredar isu post-test. jeengggg... langsung buka buku, tanya2 temen, browsing internet sono-sini kayak kebakaran jenggot. Cobaan lainnya: ppt diskusi belom kelar, LTM belom diprint, maju presentasi, sekip pengumpulan tugas :( bebaaaaann....

3. Perjuangan pulang
    Gw seneng bangeettt kalo udah jam 3, which meanss... pulang!! UPS gak seenak itu. Yang namanya idup di kampus ini, jarang banget yang namanya pulang cepet. Rapat ini, rapat itu, presentasi ini, presentasi itu. Nggak ngerti lagi... padahal rumah gw diujung dunia. But still, WHO CARES??? Kalo pulang jam 4-an, gw masih nyaman naik kereta. Kalo pulang nanggung (jam 5) beeuuh... dapet pijakan kaki di dalam gerbong aja udh syukur banget. Gw sering nggak bisa masuk kereta saking penuhnya. Kadang setelah 3 kereta lewat, gw baru bisa masuk. Yaa namanya juga transportasi cepet dan MURAH BANGET. siapa yang gak mau? Kalo naik angkot, lain ceritanya. Kalo naik angkot, gw sering hipertensi gara-gara supirnya 1) jalan ogah-ogahan 2) berenti sembarangan 3) ngetem kelamaan 4) minta ongkos tambahan (sampe Rp 5.000!!). Nista banget, kalo lagi kesel gw suka kutuk abangnya. Terutama M16 yang sering gw naikin. Moga-moga aje dapet hidayah tuh abangnya. Kalo naik mobil, cobaannya beda lagi. Banyak org yang "bobo", alias jalannya leleeeett banget. (ini fakta.. bahkan ada yang jarak dia dan mobil depannya 10 meter padahal lagi macet dan anehnya mobil di jalur sebelahnya gak ada yang nyalib. sama-sama bobo gw rasa).

Ketika gw lagi terkantuk-kantuk di jalan atau berdesak-desakkan di kereta, temen-temen gw yang ngekos mungkin lagi "bocor" (bobok core) di kamarnya atau lagi belajar. hiks hiks...

4. Perjuangan melawan kantuk
    Nah.. ini dia nih cobaan paling sulit. KANTUK. Gw itu tipe orang yang harus tidur minimal 9 jam sehari. Entah kenapa, abis Isya pasti gw langsung ngantuk. Bahkan kopi pun tak mempan. Biasanya, gw sampe di rumah pukul 7-8 malem. Sedangkan, gw harus berangkat pagi-pagi jam 5.30. Which means, abis sampe rumah langsung tidur, nggak sempet belajar atau kerjain tugas lama-lama. Pernah gw tidur tanpa makan atau mandi dulu haha.. Udah kayak kesantet, nggak bisa dibangunin. Mungkin ini ada hubungannya sama kadar hb gw yang jarang banget mencapai 12 gr/dl. Entahlah...

Gw ngerasa makin lama, hidup gw makin tercecer. Yaa akibat 4 tantangan yang gw jelasin itu. Tapi, gw teringat kata-kata kakak kader waktu SMA dulu,

"Jangan pernah nyalahin keadaan"

Awalnya gw nggak nganggep ini serius. Tapi setelah kuliah, gw ngerti maksudnya.
Setelah kuliah, gw tahu kalo gw udah memasuki fase semi-dewasa. Fase itu adalah fase di mana setiap orang berhak memilih dan menentukan apa yang ingin mereka lakukan. Kenapa? karena dewasa means kita udah tahu dan siap atas konsekuensi yang kita dapet dari setiap tindakan itu.

Itu artinya, kesiapan gw ya tergantung pilihan tindakan gw. Gw nggak bisa nyalahin jalanan yang macet atau hujan trus banjir, dan lain-lain. Tapi gw bisa nyalahin diri gw sendiri karena nggak bisa menyikapinya. Misalnya, macet. Salah gw sendiri kenapa nggak pulang cepet, kenapa pulang di jam macet. Dan misalnya gw pulang sore karena ada rapat, gw gak bisa nyalahin rapat itu,karena ikut rapat atau nggak itu pilihan gw. Jadi, gw gak bisa nyalahin siapapun kalo gw harus depresi atau stress di jalan atau stress gara-gara ltm belom kelar akibat ikut acara tertentu. Karena sekali lagi, itu pilihan gw.  Dan gw juga nggak menuntut mereka untuk tanggung jawab atas depresi dan stress yang gw alami.

Jadi, ya mulai sekarang gw sendiri yang harus tegas untuk milih mana acara yang harus gw ikutin, mana yang nggak. Gw nggak peduli lagi mau dibilang MT atau nggak. Kalau ujung-ujungnya gw depresi dan kesulitan sendiri, bukannya mereka yang MT sama gw?

Well, berhubung gw gak bisa komplain secara lisan ke temen-temen dan gw akan depresi sendiri kalo dipendem lama-lama, jadi gw tulis aja di sini, komplain yang udah lama ada di kepala gw. Semoga menginspirasi (?) wkwkwk...

Friday, 11 October 2013

There is no stupid question

Post ini didedikasikan untuk semua orang yang memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar.

Sebenarnya post ini terinspirasi dari INSIS senin lalu yang membahas tentang sunnah-sunnah Idul Adha. Ketika sesi tanya jawab, salah seorang jamaah bertanya, "sebenarnya, yang tidak boleh motong kuku dan motong rambut itu orangnya atau kambingnya, stad?" Sontak seisi ruangan tertawa. Si penanya hanya tersipu malu. Kasihan...

Yang saya ambil dari kisah di atas adalah keberaniannya untuk bertanya. Dia bisa saja mencari di internet tentang hal itu, tp risiko kalau mencari sendiri terkadang lupa dan akhirnya tidak pernah dicari. Selamanya kita berada dalam kebingungan atau bahkan konsep yang salah.

Terkadang, kita memikirkan sesuatu yang sangat rumit padahal konsep dasarnya belum dikuasai sepenuhnya. Namun, ada perasaan enggan untuk bertanya tentang hal itu. Takut dibilang bodoh lah, takut ditertawai, dan sebagainya. Pada akhirnya, konsep dasar itu tak pernah kita kuasai. Justru pertanyaan yang kita anggap bodoh itulah sebenarnya bagian yang terpenting..

Yahh... Begitulah namanya manusia, selalu terpengaruh oleh sekitarnya, selalu memikirkan apa yang akan orang lain pikir tentangnya.

Salah juga bagi orang yang menertawakan. Sudah sepatutnya kita menghargai keberanian sang penanya. Jangan2, yang menertawakan itu sebenarnya juga tidak tahu!!

Namun memang tidak semua pertanyaan dapat dikeluarkan begitu saja. Asalkan tidak melanggar kesopanan dan adabnya sih nggak apa2..

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Door's Wide Open

The World is waiting to be explored

Even though right now it's not my time..
I'm sure there'll come the time when I can seize it
And start my own adventure

Monday, 19 August 2013

From Your Little Girl

I wonder,
If it wasn't me
If it was someone else like my friend, for example

would the condition still be the same?
would you still be disappointed like this?
or would you be at ease right now, laughing and talking instead of yelling?
or would your voice be much louder and your tone be much harsher than just now?

If that rule applies as you describe it, and yes I believe it does,
for that is one thing we both agree on
then I may say..
How fortunate those people who have someone quite the opposite of you
How fortunate they are to be given consent easily without having to be hurt

Though I can say cruel things like that, I don't want you to hear it
Cause it will tear you apart as much as it will tear me if the condition is reversed
How would it not?
For when I look at you, I'm seeing myself in different time
Part of you live inside me and I'm very well aware about it

This is my destiny
I've been chosen correctly, it is neither an error nor a misfortune
I'm qualified enough, I have the ability that no one else has
No matter how much I think about this fate
I can't come up with a better explanation

I'm carrying off a duty
A fine and honor duty to change you
I'm trusted to accomplish it, even by my former competitors

One day I'll let you know how I feel
I'll pour it out but in a proper way
I'll make it up to you someday
Cause I want to break this circle

Monday, 15 July 2013


Hello readers..

Soo... I was checking up for recent updates on my facebook home page when I found an article posted by my former Bahasa Indonesia teacher. Honestly, it wasn't the article that caught my attention, but his profile picture. So, I browsed his photo albums. (I guess, it has become one of my habit to stalk photos on facebook) :p. so what..

It turned out that he's been living in Singapore for quite a long time. Shocking, it was, as I never thought he'd leave Indonesia. He doesn't seem like a person who wants to stay abroad....

Anyway...speaking about staying abroad..
Did you know? when I was a high school student, I've always wanted to study abroad. I wanted to study in Europe. German was the most considerable option. Though I searched for fine qualified international medical university, I knew it's gonna be hard as well as impossible for me to get accepted, because I never studied A level or stuffs, I never try to write motivational letter or asked my teacher to write letter of recommendation. It's definitely impossible. So I gave up my dream instead. Maybe if I have a chance later on, I'll try to get myself a scholarship.

randomly selected photo from google.com of a library building in German

I hoped so much that I'd have the opportunity to go to Europe. I've seen many photos of the country. They have every facilities that's completely different than here in Indonesia. It's like you can live in peace there. People obey the rules. Everything is very well-controlled. No air pollution, no garbage everywhere.

As I get older and maturer, I know that I probably was wrong.

It's true, they offer facilities with higher technology. It's true that the people there have better manners and behaviors than Indonesians. But, they don't have something I can't live peacefully without.

They're not Moslem countries. Maybe you'll think "what's the big deal about it?"

of course it's a very BIG DEAL

First of all, it's very uncomfortable being unable to hear Adzan echoing in the city. Secondly, you have to ask whether your food contains pork, alcohol, or something like that every time you eat in a restaurant. It's very troublesome, don't you think? If I were there, I might end up eating instant noodles everyday hahaha.. Another thing is their custom. They're not bound to wear hijab or closed clothing. See? it's easy for you to see their aurat and stain your innocent vision. (ciyeeeee)

That's not the kind of life I want to have. I'd rather live here even though Jakarta gets me on my nerve almost every morning and makes me want to go crazy. I'm destined to be born and live here because Allah knows it suits me best. *heaven's choir backsound* If someday I get really sick of Jakarta and want to emigrate, I'm considering moving out to Brunai. A place with similar atmosphere and culture, only better.

Random photo from google.com of Brunai traffic

Don't get the wrong idea. It's not that I don't love my own country.. It's just that sometimes people have to hijrah to be a better person, don't you agree?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Forgiving Boy

Assalamu'alaykum, readers
First of all, Happy Ramadhan Mubarak!!!

So happy that I eventually get to write again ^___^
I'm in the middle of the longest holiday throughout 6 years of education in this university.

Some things have changed, some other remains. I'll start with the remaining first. The thing is... that FKUI 2012 will NOT study in Depok. Which means... I have to keep struggling and competing for a space in the train to go home (sadly). I even bought CommuterLine Multitrip E-Ticket just in case I have to rely on CL as the main transportation.

Multitrip e-ticket

Apart from its fastness and cheap fare, CL is actually not a very comfortable mode of transportation. You hardly get a space to even just stand. It's fully-loaded with a massive number of commuters from Depok, Bogor and its surrounding. Moreover, the passengers' manner are terrible. If one afternoon you decide to get the train home, you'll see how selfish and ignorant they are.

Now for the changed thing,  as the title implies, I'd like to tell you about my precious little monster, Apacaaa *party* *dancing* 

Apaca is my nephew. He is turning 2 years old this September. He has a very cute face as well as voice. Apaca is a very kind boy. Whenever he receives something from other people, he says thank you. Whenever he encounters someone (or in rare cases, something) on his way, he says "pelmisii". One day, he wanted to ride on his baby walker. He asked me to get him into it. I was playing Line POP on my sister's tab when suddenly he said, "pelmisii sisiir....". I turned around and found a comb in front of the baby walker he's riding on. I picked it up and he continued walking around.

Apaca in his baby walker

Babies are curious little creatures. They tend to try everything, ask anything, and told you to do unusual things for them. One day I assisted him drawing abstract messed-up thread. Suddenly, he thrust a marker to me and said, "gambal balon meletus, tante Sarah". I drew one as best as I could and showed it to him. He looked at it and ask me to draw another thing. This time, he asked me to draw "balon kempes". what thee?!

Apaca reaally loves automotive. He memorizes so many car types, Livina, Jazz, Freed, Serena, Juke, etc. He can even distinguish avanza and xenia correctly! Whenever he comes to our house, he always ask me or my sister to accompany him to the driver's seat. He loves to steer the wheels. So excited with wheels and stuffs that he loves to watch "Wheels on The Bus". But my family thinks he should not be too familiar with music, so we cut it down. 


Apaca is a kind boy. He shares his pleasures with everyone he loves. One day, he wanted to drink teh POCI. I made one for him and helped him to sip it. Then he said, "Tante Sarah minum teh poci juga". uu baiknya <3 p="">
Sometimes, my sister and I being too overwhelmed by his cuteness that we do things which annoy or scare him. Like, we'd love to hold him tight, tickle him, or roll him up with blankets like sushi until he whimper or moan. Don't get the wrong idea, we're not that violent cinderella-stepsister type.

Even though we've done something like that, in the end, Apaca will still play with us. He still smiles and shares us his story. He forgives us for doing such annoying things like I said before. His attitude is still the same. That's what makes us love him soo much.

No matter how hard we try to find his mistakes or weakness, we can never hate Apaca. Love you, anak jempol.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Love What You Do and Do What You Love

Here's the story. Today, I attended Prof Bruce -a researcher, a doctor, as well as a lecturer from Australia- guest lecture about why we do medical research. I bet almost anyone will turn their face away instantly after hearing the word "research". Most of us think that research is boring, like I do. But when he delivered his speech, research in his world seemed to be so fun and easy. 

By the end of the presentation, he told us this :

I hate someone who wakes up hating what he gonna do that day. Like saying 'Ooh I got 45 patients waiting' or 'I have to go to work' and so on. You've got to love what you do and if you have, you gonna do what you love, no complaining. I wake up everyday loving what I'm gonna do. If you are passionate enough, there's gonna be a way for all obstacles.

That was a brief opinion but it has successfully knock me off my feet. He's right. I've been wrong all the time. I always wake up cursing the world, cursing the city for being such a mess, or the lecture for being so boring and difficult. Maybe, that's what makes my life so horrible.

Well done, Prof Bruce. Thank you for your advice!

Sunday, 17 March 2013


Haloo readers...

Gw mau cerita, kemaren ada tugas MPKT-A dan gw kebagian untuk ngejelasin masalah temperamen. Tenang aja...Gw gak akan copas LTM gw disini hahaha..

temperamen itu cetak biru seseorang, kayak DNA yang ngatur watak dan karakter kita. temperamen ini adalah sesuatu yang kita dapet sejak lahir, bukan sesuatu yang kita asah atau capai sepanjang hidup. Kalau sifat yang kita latih itu namanya karakter, bukan temperamen. Nah, awalnya gw juga gak percaya ada sesuatu yang gak bisa diubah. tapi bapak David Keirsey ngomong begitu, yasudah lah...

Yaaa jadi menurut bapak Keirsey, tempermen manusia secara garis besar dikelompokin jadi 4, guardian, artisan, rationalist, dan idealist. Ternyata klasifikasi 4 temperamen ini sangat populer dan banyak digunain lohhh...!! Trus, gw iseng-iseng ngisi tesnya (bisa iikuti di sini). Hasilnya, ternyata gw adalah tipe Guardian (ISTJ). Kaget banget sih awalnya... soalnya kirain gw lebih ke rationalist atau idealist..

Kebetulan juga LTM gw kebagian ngebahas tipe guardian. Mau gak mau gw harus baca bagian guardian demi membuat LTM meskipun besok suma 1 bioselgenmol :"((. TERNYATA...... it's very interesting loh..
Setelah gw baca, ternyata memang banyak karakteristik guardian yang mirip dengan gw. Tipe guardian ini dianalogikan kayak berang-berang. Sifatnya yang paling gw inget adalah bagian "senang mengatur dan men-supervisi sesuatu, ngasih tau apa yang menurut gw benar (semacem ngasih nasihat gitu), seneng sama hal-hal dahulu (kalo di bukunya kayak gini like to remember good old days  gw bangett :") )", de el el lah yaaa kalo mau tau baca sendiri aja.. hehehe

Kenalin temperamen kita masing-masing tuh ternyata berguna juga loh (selain itu menghibur juga sih). Selain itu, gw juga dapet bahan cuap-cuap di motivational letter atau wawancara dimana gw harus mendeskripsikan Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, dan Threat (SWOT) gw. Mayann...

That's all..
Wish me success for tomorrow's examination! :)