Monday, 25 June 2012

Just Do What You're Comfortable With

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is: Try to please everybody.
  -  Herbert Bayard Swope

I think that quotation is true. If we try to please everybody, we may fail.
Just do what you want to do. But that doesn't mean you can cross the rules.

If you busy pleasing everybody, you may end up hurting yourself for being unhappy.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Ready to Face The Outside World

Hey readers....

I've been thinking about it. If I don't get accepted in UI and I have to move out to another city, I will accept it as a challenge.

I really want to go to UI soooooo bad. So so so bad, I've never even thought of going to another university. But now... I'm not sure about my snmptn result. It's not really promising. Although I still hope for some miracles to happen, I kinda start opening my mind.

UI is not the only place to be a successful doctor. There are so many other universities in Indonesia which have as high qualification as UI.

I know I really want to have that prestigious yellow jacket. but.. after thinking about it. Who cares about the yellow jacket anyway? that just makes you feel proud and big headed.

If I get accepted in UI, I'll be undoubtedly grateful. But if I don't, I will do my best in anyplace I'm accepted in. I promise, I will make that which-ever-university-I'm-accepted-in proud and happy to have me as their student.  I won't go down, I won't give up. I know I have the potential to be a neuro surgeon someday. I just have to keep trying and do my best. Most importantly, I will never give up.

I'm looking forward to hearing the good news on 7th July, either mine or my friends'.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Pemberian Penghargaan

Readers, hari ini gw dan orang tua diundang ke aula gedung Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta di jalan Gatot Subroto. Acara ini diselenggarain dalam rangka memberikan penghargaan kepada 10 siswa yang nilai UN-nya tertinggi se-DKI Jakarta. Di surat undangannya tertulis mulai pukul 14.00. Lalu diralat menjadi pukul 13.00.

Gw dan mama langsung chau dari BTA ke sana melewati jalan yang supermacet. Abang gw yang kantornya di Citra Graha -dekat gedung Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta- pun dateng. yaa buat liat-liat aja. Pukul 13.00 gw sampe di sana dan langsung sholat. Awalnya gw kira gw udah telat soalnya di sana udah banyak yang dateng. Tetapi.....

20 menit kemudian.....

yak, panitianya nyetel film national geographic tentang semrawutnya kota Jakarta. lumayan deh buat hiburan

40 menit kemudian......

ini mana yaa...?? kok gak mulai-mulai..??

pembicaraan gw sama charles (temen seperjuangan biologi yang diundang juga) yang awalnya hot tentang SNMPTN undangan jadi alot gara-gara gatau lagi mau ngomongin apa.
Saat itu Charles mengungkapkan kekesalannya dengan sistem pendidikan Indonesia. Secara, dia udah dapet medali perak IBO dan peringkat 2 angkatan tetapi gak diterima SNMPTN undangan. Yang dapet malah anak aksel *ups* yang katanya pas ujian semester ngitung volume kurva pake integral aja masih bingung. HAHAHA.. how pathetic this country is.

akhirnya dengan durasi ngaret satu setengah jam, acara pun dimulai.

Acara diawali dengan pidato Bapak Kepala Dinas Pendidikan. Lalu pemberian piagam dan hadiah berupa laptop untuk peringkat 1 tiap-tiap kelompok sekolah negeri dan swasta. Daaann.... yang bikin nyesek adalah nilai UN gw dan Charles sama, 58.20. Tapi...................yang dapet laptop Charles. kenapa?? karena nilai bahasa Indonesianya lebih tinggi dari gw :""""""

oh well... I've felt it before.. when Sifa got gold medal and I just got silver although our score only differed by 0.5 or something... my heart like "cracked". And the worst was... that year, for every gold medallion, BNI gave an additional five-million-rupiah, so the total amount they got was 10 million rupiah while I just got 4.

Gw yakin ini salah satu ujian sabar hehe.... dan gw yakin gw akan dapet sesuatu yang lebih baik dan lebih gw butuhkan daripada itu. Allah punya rencana lain. Allah tau, gw gak butuh laptop. Gw yakin semua yang terjadi mempunyai alasan. Gw hanya berharap kejadian ini enggak terulang lagi untuk SNMPTN tulis.. Aamiin...

Monday, 18 June 2012


Hi readers....

It's been a week since SNMPTN. It doesn't mean I can rest, though. I still have to work hard, just in case something unpredictable happens. Well, I hope nothing goes wrong. I hope I get accepted in a state university through SNMPTN.

Lately, I've been thinking. Are all these efforts worth-doing? Because I'm afraid what I've been doing all this time is just a waste of time. Sometimes I feel like giving up. I want to pretend like I don't care about a single thing of my future or what I'll be doing tomorrow, but I cant! No matter how people tell me to stop worrying, I can't order my brain to stop thinking about it! Sometimes I feel like exploding and my head will start beating. I know it's not a good habit to keep but I don't think I ever gonna be able to get rid of it. I kinda inherit it from my father. It's not that I blame him. No.

Every time I think about what I've been doing all this time, my eyes wet. With the pain I bear, do I still not have a bigger chance to have a better place? do I still not deserve to get a proper result? What if the terms applied for me is "hard work is inversely proportional to the result?". I know I may sound arrogant for thinking that I deserve more than anyone else. Yes, I know it's also selfish. You may also start to hate me after reading this post. I know the consequences.

But I feel miserable and I don't want to hold it much longer. I wanna go to an ocean and scream out loud.

But I have to endure it. I have to... just a little bit longer.. endure it!
Cause I believe in happy endings
and I believe in Allah's miracles.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Wisuda SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta Angkatan 2012


Posting kali ini tentang wisuda SMAN 8 Jakarta angkatan 2012. Maaf agak sedikit telat karena gw harus siap-siap SNMPTN dua minggu terakhir ini.

Jadi, pada tanggal 26 Mei 2012 lalu 100% siswa SMAN 8 Jakarta angkatan 2012 dinyatakan lulus. SMAN 8 menempati peringkat ke-2 se-DKI untuk kategori SMA negeri. Tanggal 29 Mei nya diadakan pelepasan (wisuda) di Balai Sudirman.

Ceritanya nih men-temen, kepala Sekolah a.k.a Bu Wieke, udah dari dulu nyuruh kita milih satu warna untuk jadi dresscode kelas pas wisuda. Setelah galau antara broken white dan ijo telor asin, akhirnya kelas gw memilih broken white dengan pertimbangan sehabis wisuda langsung nikah massal #ups. ya secara warnanya putih gitu.. hahaha...

Acara wisudanya mulai pukul 07.30 pagi daaan... gw telat -.- padahal berangkat dari rumah udah jam 6. yeaa.. telat 15 menit doang sih.. but still :(
pas nyampe sana, XII IPA G lagi jalan menuju kursi masing-masing. Trus gw kalap, pake acara salah alamat pula.. malah nyasar ke kelas inter. itu malu-maluin bgtt :">

Alhamdulillah wisuda kali ini berjalan lancar seperti pas SMP dulu :) hehehe
dulu pas SMP, cuma mama yang ikut. sekarang, papa ikutan juga.

Wisuda SMP Labschool Jakarta Angkatan 15 Tahun 2009

Wisuda SMAN 8 Jakarta Tahun 2012

sama mama

sama papa, mama, bu elly (wali kelas gw dan temen SMP nya papa), dan miss nanie

sama papa dan mama 

Semua ini gak akan bisa tercapai tanpa Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Tanpa ilmu dari-Nya, kita gak berarti apa-apa. Dan Dia dapat sewaktu-waktu mencabut ilmu ini dari kita.

Gw juga berterima kasih sama papa mama yang selalu mensupport gw. selalu memotivasi gw saat gw down. Abang gw yang udah memberikan contoh baik buat adek-adeknya dan sering ngajarin gw fisika. Kakak-kakak gw yang sering gw tanyain juga dan selalu ngebantu gw. Guru-guru SMAN 8 Jakarta yang udah sabar ngajarin gw. Temen-temen yang mau ngejelasin banyak materi ke gw, khusunya via whatsapp. wkwkwk..

doakan agar gw diterima di PTN yang gw pilih (semoga pilihan pertama) dan bisa menggapai cita-cita gw.. Aamiiin :")


Alhamdulillah.... akhirnya SNMPTN udah kelar dan insya Allah semua berjalan lancar (gak telat, gak lupa ngisi identitas). Masalah hasil, wallahu'alam. Gue serahkan semua ke Allah subhanahu wata'ala.

Kemaren gw tes di SMAN 82, Kebayoran. u know what?? SMA itu adalah tempat gw seleksi Olimpiade Sains Nasional biologi tingkat kecamatan. H4H4H4... I believe nothing's coincidental.. ya, gw jadi teringat bahwa dulu gw pun mulai dari 0 dan meniti karir di bidang olim sedikit demi sedikit. Tempat itu bersejarah banget, ngingetin gw akan semua perjuangan gw dan suka duka ikut OSN. Sukanya adalah gw bisa belajar pelajaran yang paling gw suka dengan pol-polan. Dukanya adalah well.. kenyataan bahwa osn itu justru salah satu penyebab gw gak diterima undangan, bukan malah menopang gw untuk diterima. hahaha.. tapi setelah gw merenungi, gw gak nyesel kok ikut osn. soalnya dengan ikut osn itu gw jadi tau minat dan cita-cita gw yang sesungguhnya. Seolah gw menemukan jati diri yang sesungguhnya. Saat osn itu, gw mengexplore potensi gw sendiri dan memang bidang itulah bidang terbaik gw. (dibanding fisika matematika bahasa)

Gw gak tau hasil SNMPTN kemaren bakal kayak gimana. Gw enggak kepedean (seperti beberapa orang yang gw kenal) tapi gw juga gak mau dan gak boleh pesimis. Harapan gw adalah gw gak ngeliat tulisan "Maaf Anda belum lulus seleksi ini" lagi di layar komputer gw tanggal 7 Juli nanti. Udah banyak pahit yang gw telan, udah banyak pengorbanan yang gw lakukan, dan udah banyak air mata yang berlinang. Walaupun gw gak tau seberapa besar juga pengorbanan yang orang lain lakuin, bisa jadi lebih parah dari gw. Tapi, gw sangat berharap untuk bisa lulus kali ini. Gw yakin Allah Mahaadil. Kalaupun hasilnya ternyata gak seperti yang gw inginkan, gw tetep gak boleh su'udzon kepada-Nya.

Seneng deh denger cerita temen-temen yang diterima di ITB. mereka udah pada punya kosan. Trus minggu depan udah mulai matrikulasi. Mungkin gw sedikit iri dan ingin menjadi bagian dari mereka. Hm.. mungkin gak sedikit.. :") Seandainya ITB punya fakultas kedokteran hahahahahaha :D #ngarep
Well... yah mau gimana lagi? Kata mama, gw harus sabar. Iya, gw harus sabar.

Ya Allah, berikan aku keajaiban-Mu.....

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Hey readerss...

SNMPTN sudah di depan mataaa....
deg-degan banget, gak boong.
Doain yaaa, readers, supaya gw bisa ngerjain semua soalnya dengan bener, cepat, teliti, dan cermat. aamiiin...
Dan semoga... di snmptn tulis ini gw bisa tembus di salah satu PTN yang gw pilih aamiin...


Thursday, 7 June 2012


Hey readers...

It's only 5 days before the big examination...
I think I ruined my last bta try out.
I felt very miserable after the try out. I knew I wasn't very fit, but I still insisted to take the test that day.
Tomorrow the result will be out. I hope it won't decrease too much. I thought maybe I shouldn't go to BTA tomorrow. I thought the result could be bad enough to break my confidence. But.. after thinking about it, why should I be bothered? It's not the real test yet. And I should learn how to face reality. what is reality? reality is when something doesn't go according to your plan, when something appears to be what you never expected before.

Everyone's trying their best.
I also have to try my best.

where's the girl who never gives up?
where's the girl who always determined to achieve her dreams?
where's the girl who has a very high dedication?
where's the girl who always believe in Allah's miracles?

Saturday, 2 June 2012


Hey readers,

I wrote this post just to say

"A diamond is made from carbon that did well under pressure"

I'm going to face one of my biggest fear. Sometimes I feel down and unsure, but I think I'm destined to live as a fighter. This is my fate. All I have to do is play the role that Allah has given to me. I don't know what may happen and I'm too coward to even imagine it.

But I'm just gonna run. Even if I have to carry the pain, I will run. Though it's hard to ignore those smirking and comments people give me about how silly my choices are, I don't care. I will pretend not to listen. I don't care if people laugh at me or pity me in the end. I believe my life is still very precious even if I can't get what I want. Cause I always believe in happy endings.