Tuesday, 27 December 2011

End of 2011 (Bahasa)

halo readers.. udah lama nih gw gak ngepost, padahal lagi liburan tapi malah gak ada ide sama sekali. ya iyalah ya... orang gw liburan di rumah doang, parahnya main-main terus jadi gak bisa cerita banyak. Tapi ngeliat postingan temen-temen, jadi minder .___. yaudah deh gw mau "mencoba" cerita dan kali ini pake bahasa indonesia, mungkin seterus nya juga. baru ngaca kalo...*sigh* lanjutkan lah sendiri :(

Jadi.. Desember ini sebenernya banyak banget kejadian yang bersejarah dalam hidup gw. Mulai dari.. *ehm* umur gw yang alhamdulillah udah nyampe 17, which means.. gw udah punya KTP, udah "gede", udah bertanggung jawab atas diri gw sendiri (anehnya, gw malah merinding.... :s).

Trus.. hmm apalagi ya? oh iyaaa!! udah gw ceritain blm? gw punya keponakan yang lucccuuu immyuuutt gendyuutt banget.

namanya BABA..!! aneh ya? iya emang, krn itu bukan nama aslinya.. entah kenapa bapaknya manggil dia itu -_____-" Namanya sebenernya.. inisialnya RAP. Tapi gw gak mau ngupload fotonya. takut diculik :s Intinya dia suka banget bilang "akhoowww...akhoowww.." trus kalo malem suka MABES --> Marah Besar. Kalo teriak, jerit-jerit bikin kuping pengeng sampe takut dikira nyulik anak orang hahahhaa..
overall.. dia imyuutt dan..... *sigh* suka nangis kalo gw cium -,-"

hm.. apalagi yahh yang terjadi di Desember..?? hmm.. ohh kemaren, XII IPA G kumpul lohhh di rumahnya Ubit <3 baru pertama kali deh gw kumpul sekelas gituu *unyuuu*. Kompak banget rasanya.. iyalah kan udah kelas XII, harus kompak belajar dan saling bantu buat masuk PTN. Semoga kelas XII IPA G semua anaknya dapet perguruan tinggi yang diinginkan deh aamiiinn.. love yaaa guyss :")

That's all for now.
Have a bunch of movies to watch. Happy holiday, guys!!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Failure and Success

Hey, readers..!!! It's December already and I've finished my final test. Which means, holiday's coming, finally. What a tiring week, full of papers and works and projects and a bunch of books to read. Gratefully, I survived it. fiuh..
here's something I wrote about 7 months ago, when I was in grade XI. I've always wanted to post it, but I always forgot. This time for sure.. enjoy

People think those are two opposite things. Just like dark and light or angels and demons, each side has different atmosphere. Success is the one people fight for. But failure...it is what they fear the most. Some of them might choose to end their lives because of it. Who doesn't? When ambitions are overpower and greed is driving, failure means losing everything.

I used to think that way. I was also enslaved by greed and ambitions. All that times I had been successful, until one horrible moment.. It was the first time I saw my dreams were shattered to pieces right in front of me. I got my feelings mixed. Anger, sad, tormented but overall disappointed. I thought my efforts are inversely proportional with the results. Has this thing ever come to you?

Months later, I forgot it and continued my life. But the pain was still hurt. I worked very hard so that I would not hurt again. I was succeeded. The results are perfect! I thought it was enough to payback my recent loss and turn the table.But, i let my guard down. Just a little time before the game is over, I ruined it all. And now, I am in great regret.

While in this state of re-opening the wound, something hit me on the head. It was a very touching and motivating story. Much like the same as my sad journey. Somehow I think it tells my life.

Just when I think life is unfair, I got a lesson. It's about failure and success. I forget that life is like a rolling wheel. One moment you're at the top, the next moment you're at the bottom. It is a cycle. You can neither always climbing up nor always falling down. Instead, it takes you up and down all the time.

There's also a fact that every great person has been through failure a lot. One said that the more failure you have, the more successful you'll become. In a brief, it doesn't make sense,right? But it does make sense when you don't quit trying and learn from your failure. Like a famous quote, "experience is the best teacher". So, when you fail, you better learn it. Why you fail and how you solve it. So when the same problem comes up, you know what to do.

I know I was wrong so I checked on myself. And I realize.. The most crucial thing I'm aware is I'm too obsessed with being perfect. I want everything to go the way I plan. Whatever I do, I must not fail and have to be the best of all. But we all know.. Human can't be so flawless.

When being the best is my only motive, I don't even remember what I'm struggling for. I lost my track, I don't know my real goal. Maybe if I hadn't been so greedy, I wouldn't have felt so much pain, I would have been so grateful of whatever I have.