Thursday, 30 April 2009

It's Over

dear readers,

finally, UN is OVER. However, I "don't" feel any relief..!!

The test [science] was hard. It don't know if i could reach a perfect score on that test. But I really really do hope I could get 100 on science.

Now, I just have to wait for the results. [and the nervous comes up again]

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

1 more DAY, 1 last CHANCE

Yes, readers, there's still 1 day left forUN. 

I feel a little bit relieved that it will be over soon and I could get some rest. But in the other side, I feel extremely NERVOUS. why?? because I realise, by the meaning of "last day" it's also the meaning of my "last chance" to do better. Tomorrow IS my last chance to pay my previous mistakes [if i have any..on bahasa indonesia, english, and maths. But i hope I don't have any]. you know what i mean..

tomorrow will be the perfection of my efforts and hard-works in these past 3 years

Wish me success!

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

How Could I?

I'm STUCK with a novel in the middle of UN??!!  H-O-W   C-O-U-L-D  I?

This novel is... -a very great one- PRIDE AND PREJUDICE

This is such an interesting novel to read. [aside from its language style]

This Jane Austen's novel uses a-19th's british english. It's so hard to understand [for me]

I like the story,though. If you don't wanna read it, well, you can watch it. Starring by Keira Knightley and Matthew McFayden.

Wish me success for the final exam :D

Thursday, 23 April 2009

my beloved teacher, get well soon,please!!

this is a really SAD news.  One of my teacher has a breast cancer. maybe, just a little of you have known this news.

I, as a student of her, feel extremely sad. I remember her effort in teaching me bahasa indonesia. She enjoyed her time in class. But it's a pity that some of my classmates ignored and made fun of her. how disgusting they were! didn't theyfeel sorry for her?!

please, stop teasing her. prove her that she's been a good teacher by reaching a high mark on bahasa indonesia final exam! Prove her that all her sacrifices of energy and time are not useless..!

Allah, please give her the cure for her cancer... Make it go away from her body

Mrs N, please get well soon. I can't wait to see you in my class again, teaching and smiling as a happy free woman...

Saturday, 18 April 2009


Now, everybody loves facebook!! It's sort of website which help you to make new friends or if you already have friends, you can join.  chat with them and know more bout them. It's just like friendster and myspace. [I think friendster's getting old fashioned. hehe.. but i still have an account there, though]

all this time, I thought my teachers don't even know how to send an e-mail [ok, I'm exaggerating]. But I was shocked to see that some of them have facebook accounts. they are getting modern! fuuihh.. FACEBOOK!!

so now, not only youngsters can use the internet for fun. haha happy globalisation *lol*

Thursday, 16 April 2009

School Library

I recommend you to read this post esp for you, who really like to read books, novels, or text books or anything else and you're a student of Labschool Jakarta junior & senior high.

Well, it is about Labschool Jakarta's school library. Temporarily, it's using an emergency room which was finished being built up approximately 4 months ago  [due to the fire tragedy on July 08]. But, 'emergency room' is not an ER you usually see in hospitals. Not also a small, dirty, hot room. Although I call it "emergency",  it is a big, clean, and cool room.

See? It also has complete collections of books. You can read newly published novels and other books! Like in this picture below... There are a complete Dan Brown Books, Harry Potter books, Twilight saga and other new novels. All the books in this library are very interesting!!! If you're interested in science and text book, you can find Campbell [international biology text book] and lots of scripts and thesis' which were made by Labschool Jakarta senior high students. 

Take  a look at this picture below!! It's a display box of 6 recent books. there is "my sister's keeper by jodi picoult", "Brisingr by [I don't know who]", and others..

AND...... Which is pretty cool, this library has internet and audio visual facilities...!! hehehe... You can browse the internet, and watch movies. It's free but you've gotta sign up before using. 

You want to practice your english?? In this library, there are dozens of english books. [in the shelf beside the copycat]

So, don't forget to visit Labschool Jakarta's Library.. But make sure you don't bring food or drink and also be quiet when you're in there. ss.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Ketika Politik hanya sebatas permainan...

Topik saya kali ini ttg politik [yahh langsung ngantuk deh..]. Hahaha.. memang, kesan pertama anak SMP seumuran saya, kalau denger kata-kata politik langsung bosen, ngantuk, syallalalalla... tpi, sadar gak,sih?? politik itu penting sekali untuk membangung sebuah negara. knapa? karena ini menyangkut para pemimpin negara kita.

Pemilu tgl 9 april 2009 yang lalu bisa dibilang berjalan 'kurang' lancar. Banyak peraturan yang dilanggar sejumlah partai politik demi memperoleh suara terbanyak. Warga yang memenuhi syarat tidak terdaftar dalam DPT. Warga yang sudah meninggal dunia malah terdaftar dalam DPT [inilah yang terjadi di kampung saya dan teman saya].

Sepertinya, pemilu hanya basa-basi untuk menyatakan negara kita negara demokratis. Padahal dibalik itu, orang-orang licik sedang mengendalikan keadaan. Lihat saja semua kekacauan pemilu yang saya sebutkan tadi. Yang lebih membingungkan, perolehan suara di sejumlah daerah. Masuk akal nggak,sih, kalo caleg yang tersangkut kasus korupsi dapat memperoleh suara terbanyak?? bisa ada 2 kemungkinan. pertama, caleg itu nyuap/curang. kedua, warga terlalu naif untuk dikibuli. Hal ini sungguh ironis.

bicara ttg caleg, kenapa,sih, orang-orang malah berebut jadi pemimpin?? Padahal, tanggung jawab seorang pemimpin itu sangat besar dan harus dipertanggungjawabkan bukan di dpan manusia, tpi di depan Allah S.W.T. ketika saya kelas 8, saya terpilih jadi ketua MPK. Saya merasakan begitu berat beban seorang pemimpin [padahal masih lingkup sekolah,lho]. Waktu itu, saya malu sekali kalo saya berbuat kesalahan. Dari pengalaman saya itulah saya bertanya-tanya. apakah pemimpin kita punya rasa malu ketika melanggar hukum?

Ketika menjadi penguasa, godaan untuk KKN sangat berat. ttpi pemimpin sejati harus bisa menahan diri dari godaan tsb. karena, kalo pmimpin itu gak bisa menahan diri,berarti dia GAK PANTES jadi pemimpin! Tidak hanya bisa menahan diri, seorang pemimpin harus punya wawasan mengenai negara, politik, hukum, serta hal-hal lain yang penting untuk memajukan bangsanya. Tapi readers, coba deh, kita lihat caleg-caleg yang jumlahnya bejibun itu. Apakah mereka punya wawasan yang cukup? Bukannya saya sok, tapi jika dilihat dari foto-foto yang mereka 'pampang' di sepanjang jalan, rasanya belum memenuhi persyaratan yang kedua. Kebanyakan hanya menonjolkan popularitas mereka atau wajah mereka yang menawan. Dan dengan sangat disayangkan, warga-warga dengan mudahnya tertipu jebakan itu.

Readers pasti tau sejumlah caleg artis,kan? Menurut saya, lolosnya selebritis menjadi caleg merupakan bukti lain kebobrokan pemerintahan kita. bayangin deh, artis-artis itu kan lebih banyak menjalani hidupnya dengan berakting. Sedangkan, untuk bisa ahli dalam bidang politik [saya yakin 99%] harus dengan latihan dan pengalaman yang saaannggaaattt banyak. gak bisa KILAT! Di layar kaca, mereka bisa saja berakting bijaksana, cerdas, dll. tapi sadar! mereka sedang 'berakting'! Intinya, karakter mereka di film bisa saja BERBEDA dengan karakter yang sesungguhnya.

Menanggapi hal ini, jelas, saya sebagai rakyak Indonesia merasa sakit hati. Memangnya negara ini sebuah permainan?? memangnya memimpin NEGARA INDONESIA yang BESAR ini segampang membalikan telapak tangan? SADAR dong, Pak-Bu Caleg! Kita ini di dunia nyata. bukan angan-angan. Jadi, toloongg.. tolong pikirkan dengan matang tindakan yang dilakukan. Jangan sembarang ikut-ikutan jadi caleg.
1. pertama, warga sudah capek dibohongi.

2. kedua, demi kebaikan bapak-ibu! daripada udah ngutang dan buang-buang duit jutaan untuk kampanye trus gak kepilih akhirnya mendekam di RSJ, mending duitnya buat jualan atau disedekahin. Toh, lebih gampang. gak stress, gak dihantui oleh masyarakat yang miskin sedangkan anda membuang uang untuk kampanye.

Maaf bila ada kata yang kurang berkenan. Dengan senang hati saya menerima kritik dan saran dari pembaca. [masih perlu banyak belajar untuk menulis...]